Kofukan is traditional japanese Karate-do.
Member of the Swiss Karate Federation SKF,
the Swiss Shito-ryu Karate Federation SSKF,
the Swiss Shukokai Karate Federation SSK,
and the Swiss Karatedo Union SKU.
Kofukan Switzerland (since 1987) is the Swiss branch of the Kofukan International organization and we are happy to celebrate
29 Years Kofukan Karate Club Zermatt,
39 Years Kofukan Karate in Switzerland,
89 Years Doshisha Karatedo Club Japan,
109 Years Karatedo on main land Japan!
Our Karate teacher's teachers from Okinawa brought their friendship, lifestyle, culture
and Martial Arts (Ryukyu weaponry, To-de fighting and survival-skills, that
were taught in secret 1609-1895 during the Satsuma invasion) to
Doshisha University Karatedo Club Japan around 1920, about one hundred years ago.
Kofukan International Masters are graduates of Doshisha University and our
Black Belts regularly learn from Doshisha Karatedo Masters first hand
to take on their unique Karatedo heritage
that was developed to live humbly, safely, healthy, long, and to promote friendship,
be of good value for our society and,
in a case of life threatening attacks, use every part of a body, inside and
outside, to make sure we survive & to stop attackers immediately.
Self-defense motto: No attack.
If you attack, sorry, no more way out.
Kofukan motto: Cultivate good personality and strong character, preserve correct techniques and katas, promote friendship.
ZEN is a key element on our Karatedo way.
Kofukan International, a traditional Shito-ryu Karate association of Masters Tomiyama, Omi & Okubo (all graduates of the Doshisha University Kyoto, the Karate Dojo of Masters Chojun Miyagi, Kenwa Mabuni, Chojiro Tani & Hiroshi Fujimoto), has member countries all around the world (from A like Argentina to Z like Zimbabwe).
Master Tomiyama is a "Tasshi Shihan, 8th Dan Kansho" Shito-ryu & 6th Dan Goju-ryu, a Senior Karate Instructor, "Doshisha Oldboy", of Doshisha University Karatedo Club.
So do Master Omi & Master Okubo.
Already around the 1920ies Master Chojun Miyagi and Master Kenwa Mabuni have taught Master Kanryo Higaonna's "Naha-te" ("To-de" or "Karate Jutsu") to Doshisha Karate-do students...
>> read more about Kofukan International
Kofukan Switzerland, the Swiss branch of the Kofukan International organization of our Masters Tomiyama, Omi and Okubo, has been founded around 1987, when Karl Skrabl (3rd Dan Shito-ryu Kofukan at that time) came to Switzerland to teach his Shito-ryu Karate-do Kofukan. Karl Skrabl trained & taught in Visp.
Shihan Tomiyama has been invited to teach his students here in Switzerland since 1992. Seminars have been held once yearly, twice, then three times yearly (Zermatt & Zürich) since spring 2014.
Kofukan Switzerland Dojos have been established in Gamsen (Olympica) & Brig (Kollegium Spiritus Sanctus) in 1992, in Zermatt in late 1993, in Zürich in January 1999 and again in January 2008. The Kofukan Zürich Dojo at Zürich HB (Main Station) was founded in January 2014.
Kofukan Dojos in Bern, Brig, Olten, Lausanne, Kreuzlingen...
>> read more about Kofukan Switzerland
Kofukan Karate-Club Zermatt, the legal corporate, has been established in 1998 by democratic elections of its board members, and has been celebrating its 20th Anniversary in Zermatt in Sept. 2018 ! Happy birthday & congratulations for the outstanding efforts to keep the Karate-do spirit alive in the world-famous village with its Matterhorn mountain.
Kofukan Switzerland Senior Instructors have been training with Master Fujimoto at Doshisha University Karatedo Club in Kyoto and with Soke & Founder Chojiro Tani of Tani-ha Shito-ryu Kempo Karate-do Shukokai in Japan, London and Slovenia.
We're officially graded as "Shito-ryu Karate-do Kofukan Black Belts" of Master Tomiyama & "Tani-ha Shito-ryu Kempo Karate-do Black Belts" of Master "Soke" Chojiro Tani, Tani-ha Shito-ryu Kempo Karate-do Shukokai.
We regularly travel to Japan (1999, 2007, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2024...) for three weeks each time to learn with our teachers and their teachers and friends from all over the planet and to keep our connections and friendship alive.
For this reason, we also have direct contact to the Karatedo & Kobudo styles and our Masters of Naha-te, Shuri-te, Tomari-te, Shito, Goju, Uechi, Ju-Go-Shizen-ryu...
>> read more about our passion
The Kofukan Dojo Zürich Main Station at Lola Studio (Europaallee-Passage)
had to be closed in June 2020 due to prolongation of Swiss national COVID-19 restrictions, social
distancing and other preventing measures until April 2021 or maybe later.
We're training at our home and will come back soon.